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DTF Ink for Epson based Printers

DTF INK Compatability Chart
INK TYPE All Epson Desktop Epson (< 17" print width)
Epson L1800, 1390/1430, XP15000, XP600, ET8550, P400/P600/P700/P800 etc.
Wide Format Epson (> 17" print width, including 2+ printhead systems)
Epson 4720, I3200, 7880, 7890, etc.
QuantumDTF ® V2 DTF ink
QuantumDTF ® V3 DTF ink    
UltraGamut ® DTF ink (made in the USA)
Kodak ® DTF ink
All DTF inks should be shaken before use to ensure pigments are well mixed. Use in temperature and humidity controlled environments only ( temperature > 70°F, and humidity > 50%)